Dec 20, 2018

The Lament of Bob Parr

Packed in a cube
Away from view
From anyone in need
Of what I do.

Nov 8, 2018

Consolidated Stars

Some day If it still exists
The Sun will kiss the warm dust,
And take in what it snared
So many years ago
Consolidated dust
Debris of matter formed
From interstellar bangs
Encircled, never touched
Until the day
Its kiss extended to our shores
And took back the dust
The Earth had snared
So many years ago
From the ones
Who used it for a while
To love
Each Other
Circled one another
Till he kissed warm dust
Being formed of stars
And fused as one, destroyed as ones
And life began again
Some day
As long as we exist
A son will kiss consolidated stars
And take in what she snared
So many years ago

Nov 1, 2018


It sat empty
Ripped up wire
Plumbing missing
The cash in hand
Made an offer
 God Damn Flippers

Aug 9, 2018

At Work Today

Every freckle is a bed bug
Every tickled hair a look down
Every glance or stare a judgment
Every hope and breath it's not found
Every moment a new freak out
Every twitch a bug to see
Even now they get their work done
Everyone but me

Jul 21, 2018

Exploring du Maison

The bookshelves call my name
Spines whisper as I browse

Trilogies of mutinies
Empires in the sun
World wars on far flung shores
The enormous room
A eulogy of Mr Hanna’s deeds
From the Senate floor

Marker’s Mark, an empty chair
Ignoring all around

Mar 21, 2018

Friends to Miss Her

off to the doctor's
to say goodbye  
to a friend
she is finally
moving on
her mother is gone
children are gone
nothing left
but friends to miss her

Jan 25, 2018

Why I Came Home Depressed

I hesitated in the seat
It sounded like she said
They were chopping up their EHR
So they could move ahead
To fracture up what they had built
The interview was dead