Nov 1, 2017

Grandma Helen Rides Along

She hears you
Or you think
She looks at you and smiles
When the joke's a zinger

Then she laughs
And says something in return
That belies her age

That sometimes curtain
Of her recent hazy
Sight and mind

Family Today

My youngest becoming a teen
Demanding attention good and bad
Still young enough to snuggle in, yet bite

My teen becoming a woman
Old enough to see the end of home
And try again to snuggle in and hug

My woman fighting for her health
Chronic issues causing fear and grief
Snuggles in in we and I feel what we are

My father sees his end
My mother seems content
Her parents holding tight

Sep 4, 2017


Ten spot and a single short
Of fifty years
Cruising in the space that stays
Till old-age sets
Forty shouldn't smart
Like thirty did
Don't miss twenty, but I see
It don't go on
Ten more and a single short
Till mid-life's here

Aug 23, 2017

Left Pocket

It vibrates rhythmically
Almost like a heart beat
But slower in the thigh
It feels like my phone

Had to get a smart watch
To not miss all my calls
Left pocket tells me lies

Jul 24, 2017


It all looks fuzzy
In the whiteboard
Opposite my desk

The flowers blooming
Wind is blowing
Opposite my desk

I'm wanting outside
Out my window
Opposite my desk

Jul 18, 2017

Statler and Waldorf

I have paid my tithe to relax
Soy macciatto and a scone
Satisfy my soul and make the words flow

Watching bakers roll the dough out
T-rex on her shoulder
Kind instruction from the owner standing

Late night in the office
So, I took some time off
Tithing and relaxing with some coffee 

Music flowing from the 90's
Bopping, typing in my world
The one-year old is singing, dancing too 

A friend strolls in and shakes my hand
We've sat here like the Muppets duo
In a box seat watching what they show us


May 26, 2017

Maple Flavored Haiku

Falling from the green
Ohio Maples bursting
Twirling to the ground.

The lush canopy
Bringing forth their joyous song
Notes wafting gently

For the ears and eye
The grand symphony of Spring
Renewal of life

May 24, 2017

A Father's Anxiety

She leaves in three weeks
More than ever
I have to let go

I have to let go
More than ever it sits
On my mind

On my mind
She'll be gone in three weeks
Let her go

Let her go
Off to London she flies
How she'll grow

But I know...

May 15, 2017

More Time With You

Don't pull the sheets
Past your face 
To make it through the day

Hiding from the monsters
In our genes
We cannot wish away

Medicine has found us
At our age
Three pills a day

So, walk with me
Hand in hand
Together we will stay 


Her eyes have come alive
We banter back and forth
Delighted with the joke
She knows she's in the game
I know she's in the game
We now begin to talk
At a place that's not a fight

Jan 18, 2017


Instead of peeing on a tree
I pee into a bowl
Instead of satisfying me
I piss it down a hole.