Feb 16, 2011

My Gratification (Will it Hurt)

1. I live on crisis
(Haven't had one in a while)
Beliefs are floating
Waiting for their anchorage
To dig in

2. Crisis demands answers
Right or wrong
The choice is timed
And judged quickly
Gratification comes

3. I am demanding
And require
The answer of others
For gratification

4. Whose skin
Does my anchor cling to
And will it hurt
If it digs deep or
Scratches passing

1 comment:

vegahelp said...

I don't necessarily like the course of the thought process in this one. It seems co-dependent, but that might be what I'm ferreting out about myself. The possible irony is that I've asked for comments, lol. Consequently, I would like the comments to focus on style, form, and logic- not necessarily on content.