Mar 28, 2010

I wait

Cool breeze that
Issues forth from
Frosty lips
Refreshes, pleases, and caresses

My lips burn with fire
Burn the air around them
Hot vacuum of the thunder clap
In ears around me

I am become the double edged sword of the tongue

Adept at being loud
I talk. I charm. I ease

But it is time
To sheath the sword and listen

The time for vulnerable peace
On my face before You

So now I wait
In unfamiliar silent frailty
To see if

are my faith
are my life
are my job, my hope, my love

Do not sleep
Do not slumber
Do not let my foot slip
On the sword
I will fall on it without You


vegahelp said...

I think I'm missing a transition, but I'll need to reread it a few times before I see it.

Unknown said...

Who owns the frosty lips and the fiery ones? Same person? Narrator "I" now uncharacteristically silent?

Interesting mixed metaphor or the sword being something I could slip on (under my feet?), but then fall on as well, an old image for noble suicide.